When you have bad credit finding an apartment to rent may be very difficult, This is because most of the property management companies may look at your credit history and when they find out that you have bad credit you may not get the house you desire.
Having bad credit but good rental history can work to your advantage in some cases when you are looking for an apartment to rent
Here is what you have to do to get that apartment you are looking for:
Find Individual Landlords
You can check on Facebook market place groups or craiglist to find listings that are listed by individual landlords not cooperates
These may not require checking your credit history or even if they do you may find that they may be willing to give you a chance to prove that you are a responsible tenant.
You can also use your good rental history to your advantage by asking your previous landlord to write a reference letter for you which you can give to your potential landlord and assure him/her that you pay your dues in time.
Have Your Rent Automatically deducted
If you want to build trust with your future landlord you can always have your rent automatically deducted from your account if doing this will go a long way in building confidence.
The landlord will know that they will get their rent every month because of this. Some people also pay their rent in advance, which can be 3 to 6 months in advance.
It can be hard to get the property you are looking for if you have bad credit but it is not impossible to do it if you flow the above steps.
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